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2024 Photos


The Silt Ring


Impromptu Run

76 degrees and no traffic on Rt 1!

EH and RH (no relation) taking a spin.

DS and the Goose (No relation)

RH photobombs DS



The Tunnel Project is getting glose!

most of the ballast is down. We will be

ready for more sections soon.

What is a carburetor screw doing on a

picnic table? It belongs in the tractor!

CS, EH and RH (no relation) remove the head

from the tractor engine. Somehow, a screw from the

carburetor ended up in the combustion chamber!

Fortunately, the engine was not damaged.

The errant screw made a LOT of noise! It sounded

as if the engine was shot. RH quickly stopped the

engine which prevented catastrophic damage.

5/25/24 Work Day

DL prepares another section for transport.

4 sections on the track!


DS counting screws.

(Time to get that boy out of the sun!)

When would one EVER use plane geometry?

When you want to square up a tunnel section.

It’s an isosceles trapezoid

of course!

EH ordered new 1/4" stainless steel bead chain

to replace the ropes in the telltale that didn't weather well. 

Now the telltale will be able to tell its story for years.

The squirrels will have to find something else to gnaw.

April 27, 2024 WORKDAY

Tunnel Progress!

The first completed section was

moved from the temporary site to the

excavation using a riding car.

A few limbs and posts were in the way.

Some limbs required drastic measures

All was going well until……

(The crew has much experience in re railing cars)

Then it was time to carry the section.

Were there any sore muscles on Sunday?

Ballast is spread

(Notice the tunnel section is on its way)

The end is in sight!


(ie Railroad level)

First train through the first section!

Back row James Balmer, Denis Larrick, Jaxton Andres, Jerry Andres, Chuck Balmer,

Steve Chromik, Don Frozina, Ed Habel

Front row Rick Weber, Jim Keith

Not pictured Bill Mense, Julie Balmer and Dave Sams

Dearborn County’s finest!

The first tunnel section is in place thanks to

a hard working crew.

April 8, 2024 Eclipse at the track

3:05PM sunlight is not as strong and colors are off.

3:08PM 100% Venus is lower in the tree

3:09PM it was dark!


March 23 2024 Workday

Progress was made on the Tunnel Project

DF and DH cut the rebar

DS helps DF look busy

JB,EH,DL,CB (related)and PE completed the excavation.

The dirt cooperated! Digging went well.

PE drove from Tennessee to participate!

A good day’s work!

Next up, cement blocks and rebar.

Section framework completed and the project

is fully funded!

Not pictured RH and JB(related)

March 20 2024 at the track

DL continues the 420 month inspection

Daffodils and Grape Hyacinths

planted many years ago

It was a bit cold but several carloads

of visitors made it.

1/1/24 First Snowdrops Ever!

The first appearance of the green

Hummingbird! The red one is in

another picture. They were a hit!

Thanks Rick!

The Goose will soon be in it’s

10th year at the track.

Grandpa and Craig learning how to

drive the Red Hummingbird.

Craig can just barely reach the floor!

Annual visitors

He has the hang of it!

Hummingbird builder Rick instructing


Craig riding Rick

Craig even had time to ride his Dad around.